Francesca Cornaglia


School of Economics and Finance

Queen Mary University of London

Mile End Road, London E1 4NS



Current Position

2013 - nowReader, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Previous positions

2007 - 2013Lecturer, School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London, UK


2005 - 08British Academy Post-Doctorate, hosting institution: University College London.

2000 - 05     PhD Economics, University of Torino, Italy.

1999 - 00     Laurea in Political Science – specialization in Economics, University of Torino, Italy.

1997 -  98  Master Degree in Economics, CORIPE.

1989 -  93   BSc (Hons) European Business with Technology, University of Brighton, UK. Degree in Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

Research Interests

Labour Economics; Health Economics; Applied Micro-Econometrics.


Refereed Articles

- “Mental Health and Education Decisions”, with Elena Crivellaro and Sandra McNally, Labour Economics, Volume 33, April 2015, Pages 112.

- “What predicts a successful life? A Life-Course Model of Well-Being”, with Richard Layard, Nick Powdthavee, Andrew Clark and James Vernoit, Economic Journal, 2014, 124 (November), F720-F738.

- “Crime and Mental Wellbeing”, with Andrew Leigh and Naomi Feldman, Journal of Human Resources, Winter 2014, vol. 49, no. 1, 110-140.

- “Taxes, Cigarette Consumption and Smoking Intensity: Reply”, with Jérôme Adda, American Economic Review, 103(7), 2013, 3102-14.

- “The Effect of Taxes and Bans on Passive Smoking”, with Jérôme Adda, American Economic Journal – Applied Economics, vol. 2, No.1, January 2010, pp.1-32

- “Prices, Cigarette Consumption and Smoking Intensity”, with Jérôme Adda, American Economic Review, Vol. 96, No. 4, September 2006, 1013-1028.

Working Papers

- “Locus of Control and Its Intergenerational Implications for Early Childhood Skill Formation”, with Warn N. Lekfuangfu, Francesca Cornaglia Nattavudh Powdthavee, Nele Warrinnier, CEP Discussion paper No 1293, August 2014.

- “Productivity, Wages, and Marriage: The Case of Major League Baseball”, with N. Feldman, IZA Discussion Paper 5695, May 2011.

-“The Enduring Impact of Childhood Experience on Mental Health: Evidence Using Instrumented Co-Twin Data”, with R. Berner and Jan Emmanuel DeNeve, CEP Discussion Paper, 1175, November 2012.

Chapters in Books/Conference Volumes

- “The Innovative Activities of Multinational Firms in Italy”, chapter 10 in Multinational Firms and impact on employment, trade and technology, with G. Balcet, edited by R. Lipsey and J-L Mucchielli, Harwood Press, 2001.

- “Job Creation and Job Destruction”, in Labour Mobility and Wage Dynamics in Italy, with C.Malpede, LABORatorio R.Revelli, Rosenber & Sellier, 2002.

- “The Impact of the Italian CFL Program on Job Opportunities for Young People”, with B.Contini, C.Malpede and E.Rettore in Pension Policy in an Integrating Europe, edited by E. Fornero and O. Castellino, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003.

- “The Effect of Taxes and bans on Passive Smoking”, British Academy Review, issue 11, 2008.

- “Taxes, Cigarette Consumption, and Smoking Intensity”, in The Economics Of Health Behaviours, Edited by John Cawley and Donald S. Kenkel, Vol.III, part 2, 2008.


2009Principal Applicant for project on “The Marriage Premium Revisited: the Case of Baseball” funded by the ESRC. Co-investigators: N. Feldman.

2007  Principal Applicant for project on “Crime and Mental Wellbeing” funded by the ESRC. Co-investigators: C. Dustmann, A. Leigh.


Research Associate: Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics (LSE).

Research Fellow: Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA), Bonn.

Referee for Journals

Journal Health Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Economica, European Economic Review, Journal of Economic Biology, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Health Economics, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Australian Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, German Economic Review, Labour Economics, Empirical Economics, National Tax Journal, Canadian Journal of Economics, Public Health, International Tax and Public Finance, International Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Conference Committees

Royal Economic Society Conference, paper selection committee, 2008-now


Member of the ESRC’s Peer Review College.

Referee for Futuro in Ricerca: Italian Ministry website dedicated to the evaluation of research programs.


2007- 2015Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance, “Economics of Social Issues” (2007-15), and “Health Economics” (2013-14).

2004 - 2007University College London, Department of Economics, “Basic Microeconomic Concepts”, “Economic Policy Analysis”, “Applied Economics” and “Quantitative Economics and Econometrics”, and “Economics”.

2000 - 2001University of Torino, Political Science “Political economy”, “Economics”.

1999ILO, International Labour Organisation, Torino “International economics and political economy for trade unions”.

PhD Examiner:

2011-2015  George MacKerron (LSE), Wenjie Wu (LSE), Tanya Wilson (Royal Holloway).

Administrative Experience

2012-2015First Year Academic Tutor; Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee; Member of the Undergraduate Student Liaison Committee; 3rd year projects organizer; Chair of Teaching Review Group (TRG) in Microeconomics.

2009-2012Seminar Organizer for Microeconomics; First Year Academic Tutor; Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee; Member of the Undergraduate Student Liaison Committee; 3rd year projects organizer; Chair of Teaching Review Group (TRG) in Microeconomics.

2007-2009Seminar Organizer for Microeconomics; 3rd year projects organizer; First Year Academic Tutor; Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee; Member of the Undergraduate Student Liaison Committee.

Professional History

1991 - 1997Consultant to Euro Info Centre (Main Fields: European Union’s projects in favour of SME, Evaluation of the Environmental Impact), Confindustria, Torino, Italy.

1992Industrial Engineer, Total Quality Dept., Optimisation of Communication Flows, Pirelli Ltd, Carlisle, U.K.


BBC Radio 4, Times Higher Educ.Supplement; The Observer, BBC News, The Times, The Sunday Times, Irish Examiner, Mirror, Daily Post, Manchester Evening News, China Daily, The Mercury, Handelsblatt, Die Welt, Morning Advertiser, The Publican, Scotland on Sunday, SBS Radio Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald, Tehran Times, News Medical, The West Australian, The Age Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, Herald Sun Australia, Northland Independent new Zealand, Advertiser Adelaide Australia, Perth Now Australia, Melbourne Herald Sun Australia, Daily Telegraph Australia, NEWS Australia, Courier Mail Australia, Adelaide Now, Pine Rivers Press Australia, Business Insider, The Public Purpose, FORBES, Wall Street Journal, The Economist.