Linnaea Stockall

Lab Director

My work focuses on the earliest stages of linguistic information extraction and processing involved in the retrieval of individual words and parts of words, and in the combination of those pieces to form complex utterances. I am interested in how we store and process morphological constituents, how early, automatic morphological processing mechanisms handle irregularity, and how we assemble morphological constituents into interpretable words and phrases. I am also interested in how lexical semantic information is extracted and integrated into syntactic structures, and how those structures are interpreted, and in how the semantics of roots interacts with the syntax and semantics of functional morphemes. My work aims to increase the empirical and theoretical validity of psycho and neurolinguistics research by investigating understudied languages, and developing resources to make more such work feasible.

Read more about some of the projects I am currently involved in.

I am interested in supervising PhD and postdoctoral research on a range of topics, so long as they are very clearly connected to my research interests and expertise. Potential PhD students should begin by completing theĀ PhD Applicant Query Form. Potential postdocs should contact me directly.

Contact me

Mile End Road, Arts One, room 1.17A

+44 (0)20 7882 5742