Professor Colin Jones, FBA

President Royal Historical Society

Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académique

Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London





Academic Profile

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Full name
Colin David Hugh JONES


Hampton Grammar School
Jesus College, Oxford, 1967-71
St. Antony's College, Oxford, 1971-8


BA Oxon, Class I, Modern History and Modern Languages (French), 1971
DPhil (Oxon), 1978


Temporary Lecturer in History, Newcastle University, 1972-3
Lecturer, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Exeter, 1974-87 (subsequently Senior Lecturer, 1987-90; then Professor of History, 1991-5)
Co-Director, Western European Studies Centre, University of Exeter, 1985-90
Professor of History, History Department, University of Warwick, 1996-2006 (Department Chair, 1998-2001)
Professor of History, History Department, Queen Mary University of London, 2006-
Co-Director, 18th Century Studies Centre, Queem Mary University of London, 2008-


Academic Awards & Distinctions
Edwin Jones Scholar, Jesus College, Oxford, 1967-71
Visiting Fellow, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, 1986.
Kratter Visiting Professor, History Department, Stanford University, 1993-4, 2000, 2005
Fellow, Columbia University Institute of Scholars at Reid Hall (Paris), 2001-02
Visiting Professor, Collège de France, Paris, 2003
Visiting Fellow, National Library of Medicine, Washington DC 2004 
Enid MacLeod Prize, Franco-British Society, 2005 (for Paris: Biography of a City)
Associate Professor, University of London Institute in Paris (ULIP), 2007-
Visiting Professor, Université de Paris- VIII (2008)


Professional Service
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, 1984- /Vice-President 2000-03/ President 2009-
Member, Steering Committee, History at University Defence Group (HUDG), 1995-2001
Member, History of Medicine Panel, Wellcome Trust, 1999-2003; Vice-Chair 2001-03
Member, Oxford University Recognition of Distinction Committee, 2004
Wellcome Trust Strategic and Enhancement Award Sub-Panel, 2004-
Member, Research Panel for History, Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2004- 08 (Convenor, 2006-08)
Agence Nationale de Recherche, Vulnérabilités programme, 2008


Examining and Academic Assessment (last 10 years)
Standing Panel of Experts for Boards of Advisors in the University of London, 1991-6
Assessor for Chairs: University of East Anglia, University of York, 1997; Birkbeck College, London, 1998; University of Leeds, 2001; King’s College London 2005
Undergraduate External Examiner: BSc, University College London, 1997-9
MA External examiner: Brookes University, 1993-7; University College Swansea, 1997; University College London (History) 1997-8; University of Cambridge (M Phil) 1999; Exeter University, 2003; Birkbeck College London, 2004-
PhD: Oxford DPhil 1995; University of Newcastle 1996; University of York 2000 & 2003; Dublin, 2001; Essex, 2001; UCL 2002; Oxford University 2003 & 2004; Oxford Brookes University 2003; Geneva 2003; Paris I Sorbonne 2003; Cambridge University 2004 (2); Oxford, 2005; Warwick, 2006; Cambridge, Warwick, Université de Paris – IV, Université de Paris – VIII, 2007; Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2008.
Assessor, Hannah Institute, Canada, 1996-9, 2008.


Conference Organisation (last 10 years)
University of Warwick: ‘The Quick and the Dead: Theorizing the Anatomical Body’ (1998) 
University of Warwick: Centre for the History of Medicine, Anglo-Dutch Conference, ‘Child Health and National Fitness’ (1999) 
University of Warwick: Centre for the History of Medicine, Anglo-Dutch-German Conference, ‘Patient-Body Perceptions’ (2003) 
University of Warwick: ‘Medical Elites and Medical Practice in Renaissance and Early Modern Italy’ (2004) 
Maison Française, Oxford: ‘Tracing the Origins of Capitals’ (2005)
Maison Française, Oxford: ‘Charles Dickens and the French Revolution: Crowds and Power’ (2006).
With Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris: La Physiongnomie et la Renaissance (2007)
Queen Mary University of London: Physiognomy from Della Porta to Lavater (2008)


Conference Papers and Discussant Comments (last 10 years)
1996 London: Annual Conference, British Society for 18th-Century Studies
University of Kent: Anstey Conference, 'Charity, Philanthropy and Reform 1690-1850'
Oxford: Past & Present Conference: 'The Moral Workings of the Law'
University of Exeter: Centre for Maritime Studies, 'Health and the Sea'
University of Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada): 'The French Revolution'
Sussex University, Society for French Historical Studies: Round Table, 'Ideology and Political Culture in the Ancien Régime'.
1997 University of Liverpool: Annual Conference, Society for the Social History of Medicine: 'Health in the City'.
Université de Lausanne (Switzerland): 'La Médecine des Lumières: Autour de Tissot'
University of Warwick : 'Social Theory and Major Social Transformations'
Amsterdam University: Anglo-Dutch Conference, 'Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry in England and the Netherlands'
1998 Leicester University: 'The Civilizing Process and Early Modern History'
Edinburgh University: 'Medicine, Science and the Enlightenment'
University of Warwick: 'The Quick and the Dead: Theorizing the Anatomical Body'
University of Halle (Germany): 'Die Geburt ein sanfsten Medizin'
University of Warwick: Social Theory Centre, 'The Moment'
Indiana University (USA): Center for Philanthropy, 'The History of Philanthropy: New Approaches'
1999 Ottawa (Canada): Society of French Historical Studies (US), Annual Conference, (banquet speaker)
University of Warwick: Anglo-Dutch Conference, 'Child Health in England and the Netherlands in the 20th Century'
Institut Robert Bosch (Stuttgart) & Villa Vigoni (Italy): 'Drama and Medicine'
Warwick University: Humanities Research Centre: 'The Figure of the Charlatan'.
2000 Amsterdam: 'Neurasthenia in England and the Netherlands'
University of California Los Angeles: 'Teeth and Smiles in 18th-century Paris'
Institute of Historical Research (London): 'The Kiss in History', Discussant
2001 University of Maryland: 'Violence and the French Revolution: Concluding Remarks'.
2002 UCL Wellcome Centre (London): 'Mirko Grmek and the Longue Durée' (in absentia)
2003 Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris): 'The Smile in Eighteenth-Century France'
University of Warwick: Anglo-Dutch-German Conference on the History of Medicine: 'Patient-Body Perceptions: Concluding Remarks'
École Normale Supérieure (Paris): Société d'histoire moderne et contemporaine: Colloquium, 'Histoire, historiographie et sciences sociales: Sur un livre récent de Gérard Noiriel'
2004 Society for French Historical Studies (Paris): 'Michel Vovelle and the French Revolution'
University of Oxford: 'Gender, Religion, Poverty and Revolution: Conference in Honour of Olwen Hufton': ''The French Revolution, the People and the Poor'
Lubbock (Texas, USA): Western Society for the Study of French History', Annual Conference: Plenary speaker, 'The Archaeology of Modernity in 19th-century Paris'
2005 Stanford University: Society for French Historical Studies: Chair, session on Sixteenth-Century France
University of Nevada (Las Vegas): American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Plenary Speaker, 'French Dentists and English Teeth in the Long Eighteenth Century' 
Maison Française (Oxford): ‘Tracing the Origins of Capitals’, ‘Archaeology in Nineteenth-Century Paris’ 
University of Southampton: French History Society, Discussant 
Maison Française (Oxford): ‘European Capitals and the Globalisation of Knowledge’, Discussant
CRASSH (Cambridge University): ‘Stereotypes’, ‘The Anglo-Saxons in French History, 5th-21st Centuries’
2006 Royal Holloway, University of London: Research Colloquium: ‘The French Smile Revolution’ 
Université de Lille: ‘La Révolution et la bourgeoisie’, ‘Les bourgeoisies d’Ancien Régime’ (in absentia)
Princeton University: Discussant, Colloquium in Honour of Robert Darnton 
Maison Française (Oxford): Discussant, ‘Charles Dickens and the French Revolution: Crowds and Power’.
Versailles: Conference: Culture de cour, culture du corps’: ‘Les dents du Roi’.
Wallace Collection (London): Conference, Versailles: ‘The culture of the Court’
University of Hertfordshire: Royal Historical Society Visiting Lecture: ‘Théodore Vacquet and the Archeology of modernity’
2007 University of London: Anglo-American Conference, Identities: ‘The Anglo-Saxons in French historiography from the Merovingians to the present day’
Université de Montpellier: International Conference on the Enlightenment: ‘Le charlatan et le dentiste au XVIIIe siècle’
Oxford University: Public and private in the Louis Sébastien Mercier’s Tableau de Paris Conference: ‘Priavte lives of the Enlightenment’
Sheffield University: Past and Present conference: ‘The History of Gesture’: ‘Meeting and greeting in pre-Revolution Paris’
University of Chicago Centre in Paris: Conference ‘The Pont Neuf’: ‘The Ancien Régime Culture of the Pont Neuf’
State University of New York (Binghampton): ‘The French Smile Revolution’
Columbia University (New York, USA): Conference on the French Revolution in hnor of Isser Woloch: ‘Bourgeois Baby, Marxist Bathwater?’
Warwick University: Renaissance Seminar: ‘On Stuart Clark’
Versailles: Conference: Culture de cour, culture du corps’: ‘Les dents du Roi’.
Cambridge University; (With Dr. Emily Richardson) ‘Laughter in the Saint-Aubin Livre de caricatures tant bonnes que mauvaises
University of Chicago (USA): Interdisciplinary seminar in the Humanities: ‘How not to laugh in the French Enlightenment: The Livre de caricatures tant bonnes que mauvaises of the Saint Aubin Brothers.
University of Warwick Centre in Venice: Biotrash conference: ‘Waste, Danger and Extrementality in Pre-Haussmannian Paris’
Université de Paris – VIII: Franco-British Seminar: ‘La reception de A Tale of Two Cities de Charles Dickens en France’
Brisbane (Australia): George Rudé Conference of French Historians: ‘How not to laugh in the French Enlightenment (Invited Plenary Speaker)



Seminar papers include (last 10 years)
University College, Cork; University of York (1995); Wellcome Institute, London (1996); University of Hudderfield (1997); Leicester University (1997); Institute of Historical Research, London (1998); University of East Anglia (1999); Stanford University, University of California Los Angeles (2000); Collège de France, Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier), European University Institute, Florence (2002); National Gallery (2002); Collège de France (Paris), Cambridge University, Manchester University, Oxford University Historical Society (2003); Universities of Sussex, York, Leeds (2004); École Normale Supérieure (Paris), Collège de France (Paris), Universities of Durham, Birmingham and London (2005); University of Arizona, Huntington Library, California (2006), Southampton (2007).


External Funding Awards (last 10 years)
Wellcome Trust(1997): Seminar series, 'Innovation, Diffusion and Popularisation in Medical History' (£800)
British Academy(1998): 'The Making of the Modern Mouth' (£4,886)
Wellcome Trust (1999): Research Fellowship for Claudia Stein, 'Court Medicine in Early Modern Germany' (£26,329)
Wellcome Trust (2000): MA Studentship for Sheryl Root (£10,850)
Wellcome Trust (2000): History of Medicine Group Status (£30,000)
Wellcome Trust (2002): University Award for Claudia Stein (£147,795)
Wellcome Trust (2003): Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (Principal Applicant: Dr Hilary Marland), 'Cultures and Practices of Health'
Wellcome Trust (2004): Research Fellowship for Dr Ingrid Sykes, 'Blindness, Sound and the Development of Acoustics in Nineteenth-century France': (£117,680)
Leverhulme Trust (2004): Project Grant (Principal Applicant: Professor Maxine Berg), 'Selling Consumption in the Eighteenth Century: Advertising and the Trade Card' (£156,224)
Arts and Humanities Research Council (2006): ‘The “Book of Arses”: the Saint-Aubins’ “Livre de caricatures tant bonnes que mauvaises’ (£204,000)
British Academy, Conference Award (2006): ‘Charles Dickens and the French Revolution: Crowds and Power’ (£1685)
Leverhulme Trust (European Network Scheme): ‘Physiognomy, 1500-1850’ (with École Nationale Supérieure, Paris & Scuola normale superiore, Pisa (c. £45,000)
Wellcome Trust Sponsor (Rhodin Hayward) (2007): ‘Psychiatric Epidemiology’ (£199,549)
British Academy Sponsor (Ultan Gillen) (2007): ‘Counter-Revolution in comparative context, 1787-1815 (£173,172)
AHRC, Collaborative Doctoral Award (with Waddeson Manor) (2008) (c. £53,000)
British Academy: ‘Thermidor: 24 hours of a Parisian Revolution’ (£ 7, 500)
Westfield Trust: Physiognomy 17th-18th Century (£2,500)

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