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Publications – Colin Jones
A. Authored Books
A1. Charity and 'Bienfaisance': The Treatment of the Poor in the Montpellier Region, 1740-1815, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, xvi + 317 pp.
A2. The Longman Companion to the French Revolution, London: Longman, 1988, xiv + 473 pp.
[Paperback edition, 1990]
A3. The Charitable Imperative: Hospitals and Nursing in Ancien Régime and Revolutionary France, London: Routledge, November 1989, xiii + 317 pp.
A4. (With John Ardagh), Cultural Atlas of France, New York and Oxford: Facts on File, 1991, 240 pp.
[French, German, Dutch, Polish translations]
A5. France, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 352 pp.
[Paperback edition, 1999; German, Korean, Chinese translations]
A6. (With Laurence Brockliss), The Medical World of Early Modern France, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, xii + 960pp.
A7. The Great Nation. France from Louis XV to the 1715-99, London: Penguin, 2002, xxx + 651pp.
[US hardback edition published by Columbia University Press, 2003]
A8. Madame de Pompadour and her Image, London: National Gallery Publications with Yale University Press, 2002), 176 pp.
[Associated with the international exhibition on the same topic held in Versailles, Munich and at the National Gallery, London, 2002]
A9. Paris: Biography of a City, London: Allen Lane/Penguin, 2004, xxviii + 643 pp. [US edition, 2005, Penguin/Viking; paperback, 2006; German, Russian and Chinese translations (2007-9). Awarded the Enid MacLeod Prize of the Franco-British Society as the book published in 2004 which contributed most to Anglo-French understanding.]
B. Edited Books
B1. Contre Retz. Sept pamphlets du temps de la Fronde, Exeter: University of Exeter Publications, Textes littéraires, 1982, xxxvii + 62 pp.
B2. Britain and Revolutionary France: Conflict, Subversion and Propaganda, Exeter: University of Exeter Publications, Exeter Studies in History No. 5 1983, iv + 91 pp.
B3. (With Malyn Newitt and Stephen K. Roberts), People and Politics in Revolutionary England: Essays in Honour of Ivan Roots, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986, xiv + 316 pp.: author, 'The "French Cromwell" ? The Cardinal de Retz and the English Revolution', pp. 275-96.
B4. (With K.C. Cameron), Le Monde des années '80. Exeter Tapes - Drake Educational Associates, 1987, 104 pp.
B5. The French Revolution: Voices from a Momentous Epoch 1789-95, (General Editor, Richard Cobb), London: Simon & Schuster, 1988, 256 pp.
[Dutch translation, 1990]
B6. (With Michael Jones), The French Revolution in Perspective, special 1989 issue of Renaissance and Modern Studies, Nottingham University, 1989, XII + 117pp. Author, 'Introduction: Revisionism, Post-Revisionism and New Perspectives on the French Revolution', pp. i-xii.
B7. (With Jonathan Barry), Medicine and Charity in Western Europe before the Welfare State, London: Routledge, 1991, 259 pp. Co-author, 'Introduction', pp. 1-13. [Paperback edition, 1994]
B8. (With Roy Porter), Reassessing Foucault: Power, Medicine and the Body, London: Routledge, 1994, x + 225 pp. Co-author, 'Introduction', pp. 1-16.
[Paperback edition, 1997]
B9. (With Dror Wahrman). An Age of Cultural Revolutions: England and France, 1750-1820, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002, xiv + 293pp. Co-author: 'Introduction', pp. 1-16.
B10. (With Josephine Mc Donagh and Jon Mee). Charles Dickens, The Tale of Two Cities and the French Revolution ((Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).
C. Book Chapters
C1. 'The Military Revolution and the Professionalisation of the French Army under the Ancien Régime' in M. Duffy (ed.), The Military Revolution and the State, 1500-1800, Exeter: University of Exeter Publications, Exeter Studies in History No. 1, 1980, pp. 29-48.
[Reprinted in C.J. Rogers (ed.), The Military Revolution Debate: Readings in the Military Transformation of Early Modern Europe, Oxford: Westview Press, 1995, pp. 149-67]
C2. 'Picking up the Pieces: the Politics and the Personnel of Social Welfare from the Convention to the Consulate', in G. Lewis & C. Lucas (eds), Beyond the Terror. Essays in French Social and Regional History, 1794-1815, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, pp. 53-91.
C3. 'The Filles de la Charité in Hospitals, 1633-c.1830', in Vincent de Paul. Actes du colloque international d'études vincentiennes (1981), Rome: CLV Edizioni Vincenziane, 1983, pp. 239-88.
C4. 'Montpellier Medical Students and the "Medicalisation" of Eighteenth-Century France', in R. Porter & A. Wear (eds), Problems and Methods in the History of Medicine, London: Croom Helm, 1987, pp. 57-80.
C5. 'The French Revolution and the Monarchy: Presentation' in C. Lucas (ed.), The Political Culture of the French Revolution, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988, pp. 153-9.
C6. 'The Médecins du Roi at the End of the Ancien Régime and in the French Revolution', in V. Nutton (ed.), Medicine at the Courts of Europe, 1500-1837, London: Routledge, 1990, pp. 214-67.
C7. 'Les étudiants en médecine au XVIIIe siècle', in L. Dulieu (ed.), La Médecine à Montpellier, du XIIe. au XXe. siècle, Paris: Editions Hervas, 1990, pp. 105-8.
C8. 'Bourgeois Revolution Revivified: 1789 and Social Change', in C. Lucas (ed.), Rewriting the French Revolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 69-118. [Reprinted in P.M. Jones (ed.), The French Revolution in Social and Political Perspective, London: Arnold, 1996, pp. 71-100; and in G. Kates (ed.), The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies, London: Routledge, 1998, pp. 159-91, reprinted 2006]
C9. 'Medicine and Statecraft in the Mémoires of the Cardinal de Retz', in K. Cameron & E. Woodrough (eds), Ethics and Politics in Seventeenth-Century France, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1996, pp. 93-106.
C10. 'Some Recent Trends in the History of Charity', in M. Daunton (ed.), Charity, Self-Interest and Welfare in the English Past, London: UCL Press, 1996, pp. 51-63.
C11. 'The Construction of the Hospital Patient in Early Modern France', in N. Fintzsche & R. Jütte (eds), The Institutions of Confinement: Hospitals, Asylums and Prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1500-1950, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 55-76.
C12. 'Perspectives on Poor Relief, Health Care and Counter-Reformation in France', in O. Grell, A. Cunningham, J. Arrizabalaga (eds), Health Care and Poor Relief in Counter-Reformation Europe, London & New York: Routledge, 1999, pp. 215-39.
C13. 'Raising the Anti: Jan Foudraine, Ronald Laing and Anti-Psychiatry', in R. Porter & M. Gijswit-Hofstra (eds), Cultures of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Post-War Britain and the Netherlands, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999, pp. 283-94.
C14. (With Rebecca Spang), 'Sans-culottes, sans café, sans tabac: Shifting Realms of Necessity and Luxury in Eighteenth-Century France', in M. Berg & H. Clifford (eds), Consumers and Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe, 1650-1850, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999, pp. 37-62.
C15. 'Languages of Plague in Early Modern France', in S. Sheard & H. Power (eds), Body and City: Histories of Urban Public Health, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000, pp. 41-9.
C16. 'Bouche et dents dans l'Encyclopédie: une perspective sur l'anatomie et la chirurgie des Lumières', in R. Morrissey & P. Roger (eds), L'Encyclopédie: du réseau au livre et du livre au réseau. Paris: Champion, 2001, pp. 73-91.
C17. 'Medical Core and Medical Penumbra in Early Modern France', in R. Toellner (ed.), Die Geburt einer sanften Medizin, Halle, 2004, pp. 101-9.
C18. 'Olwen Hufton's "Poor", Richard Cobb's "People" and the French Revolution', in The Art of Survival: Essays in Honour of Olwen Hufton:Gender and History in Europe 1450-2000, eds Ruth Harris and Lyndal Roper, Oxford University Press, 2006 (Past and Present Supplement 1), pp. 78-103. Spanish translation in Historia Social (Valencia) 60 (2008) pp. 5-25.
C19. 'French Dentists and English Teeth in the Long Eighteenth Century', in Medicine, Madness and Society: Essays in Memory of Roy Porter, eds John Pickstone et al., forthcoming, Manchester University Press, 2007, pp. 73-89, 247-50.
C20. 'Un Transfert culturel franco-britannique (fin XVIIIe siècle/début XIXe siècle): les dents et le sourire', Les Idées passent-elles la Manche?, Presses de la Sorbonne, 2005-07
C. 21 ‘La Naissance de la médecine sociale: entre l’Etat et le marché’ in Virginie Tournay (ed.) La Gouvernance des innovations médicales, Paris, 2007, pp. 67-84.
C. 22 ‘La (les) bourgeosie(s) de la France d’ancien Régime, in Jean-Pierre Jessenne (ed.) Vers un ordre bourgeois: Révolution française et changement social, Rennes: Presses du l’Université de Rennesm 2007, pp. 161-70.
D. Refereed Articles
D1. 'Prostitution and the Ruling Class in Eighteenth-Century Montpellier', History Workshop. A Journal of Socialist Historians, No. 6, 1978, pp. 7-28.
D2. 'The Welfare of the French Foot-soldier', History, 65, 1980, pp. 193-213.
D3. 'The Treatment of the Insane in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Montpellier. Contribution to the Prehistory of the Lunatic Asylum in Provincial France', Medical History, 24, 1980, pp. 371-90.
D4. 'The Organisation of Conspiracy and Revolt in the Mémoires of the Cardinal de Retz', European Studies Review, 11, 1981, pp. 125-50.
D5. (With Michael Sonenscher), 'The Social Functions of the Hospital in Eighteenth-Century France: The Case of the Hôtel-Dieu of Nîmes', French Historical Studies, 13, 1983, pp. 172-214.
D6. 'Le Figlie della Carità nell' Hôtel-Dieu di Montpellier nei secoli diciasettesimo e diciottesimo', Annale della Missione, 91, 1984, pp. 222-63.
D7. 'Hospitals in Seventeenth-Century France', Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 7, 1985, pp. 139-52.
D8. 'Medicine in France on the Eve of the French Revolution: Sisters of Charity and the Ailing Poor', Social History of Medicine, 3, 1989, pp. 339-48.
D9. 'A Fine Romance with No Sisters', French Historical Studies, 19, 1995, pp. 277-87.
D10. (With Arlette Farge & Martin Dinges), 'Michel Foucault und die Historiker', Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 4, 1995, pp. 620-41.
D11. 'Plague and its Metaphors in Early Modern France, Representations, 53, 1996, pp. 97-127.
D12. 'The Great Chain of Buying: Medical Advertisement, the Bourgeois Public Sphere and the Origins of the French Revolution', American Historical Review, 101, 1996, pp. 13-40.
[Reprinted in R. Schechter (ed.), The French Revolution: Essential Readings, Blackwell, 2001, pp. 141-74]
D13. 'Pulling Teeth in Eighteenth-Century Paris', Past and Present, 166, 2000, pp. 100-45.
D14. 'Quackery in Early Modern Europe', Ludica, 5-6, 2000, pp. 258-61.
D15. 'Peter Mandler's Problems with Cultural History, or Back to the Playground?', Cultural and Social History, 1 (2004), pp. 209-215.
D16. 'Sur la crise de l'histoire II? (A propos de Gérard Noiriel, Penser pour, penser contre)', Revue de l'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 51-4bis (2005), pp. 23-8.
D17. 'The Pathocenosis Moment: Mirko Grmek, the Annales and the Vagaries of the Longue Durée', Journal of the History and Philosophy of Science, 27, 2005, pp. 5-11.
D18. 'Michel Vovelle and the French Revolution', French History, 2005.
D19. 'The French Smile Revolution', Cabinet, 17, 2005, pp. 97-100
D20. 'The Archaeologist of Modernity: Théodore Vacquer, Baron Haussmann's Doppelgänger', Cabinet, 20 (2005), pp. 71-3.
D21. 'Théodore Vacquer and the Archaeology of Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Paris', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th Series, XVII (2007), pp. 157-83.
D. 22 ‘The King’s two Teeth’, History Workshop Journal, 65 (2008), pp. 79-95.
E. Other Articles
E1. 'The "New Treatment" of the Insane in Paris under the French Revolution', History Today, October 1980, pp. 5-10.
[Reprinted in Annual Editions. Western Civilization. Vol.II: Early Modern Through the Twentieth Century, Guildford [Conn.]: Dusking Publishing Group, several edns, 1983, 1985, etc.].
E2. 'The Hôtel-Dieu of Beaune', History Today, January 1982, pp. 42-4.
E3. 'Materials in the French Revolutionary Tracts of the British Library relating to Medicine, Hospitals and Poor Relief', Bulletin of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, Nos. 30-31, 1982, pp. 58-62.
E4. 'The French Revolution, Hospitals and the Medical Professions', Bulletin of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, 1984, No. 34, pp. 6-9.
E5. 'Les Filles de la Charité dans l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montpellier, 1667-1789', Bulletin historique de la ville de Montpellier, 4, 1985, pp.3-9.
E6. 'La vie et les revendications des étudiants en médecine: Montpellier au XVIIIe siècle', Actes du 110e. Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes (Section d'histoire des sciences et des techniques, tome II: Histoire de l'Ecole médicale de Montpellier), Paris: CTHS, 1986, pp. 117-28.
E7. 'The Médecins du Roi and the French Revolution', Bulletin of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, No. 40, 1987, pp. 77-9.
E8. 'The "New Medical History" in France: the View from Britain', The French Historian, 2, 1987, pp. 3-14.
E9. 'France and England: how we saw ourselves', 'Protagonists Gallery, 'Glossary', A Tale of Two Cities, London, 1989, pp. 12-26, 204-7.
E10. 'The Arts of Quackery', L'Elisir d'amore, London: Covent Garden Opera House Publications, 1998, pp. 21-7.
E11. ''The Fabrication of Madame de Pompadour', History Today, November 2002.
E12. 'Paris of the French Revolution', BBC History, 5 December 2005, pp. 5-6.
F. Bibliographical Essays
F1. (With Hazel Mills), 'The Eighteenth Century: Europe, 1715-1815', Annual Bulletin of Historical Research, 71 (1985 Publications), London: Historical Association, 1987, pp. 84-104.
F2. 'The Eighteenth Century: Europe 1715-1815', Annual Bulletin of Historical Research, 72 (1986 publications), London: Historical Association, 1989, pp. 90-102.
F3. 'The Eighteenth Century: Europe, 1715-1815', Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature, 73 (1987 publications), London: Historical Association, 1990, pp. 85-99.
F4. 'The Eighteenth Century: Europe 1715-1815', Annual Bulletin of Historical Research, 74 (1988 Publications), London: Historical Association, 1991, pp. 78-92.
F5. (with Thomas Munck), 'The Eighteenth Century: Europe 1715-1815', Annual Bulletin of Historical Research, 75 (1989 Publications), London: Historical Association, 1991, pp.77-93.
G. Essay Reviews
G1. '"Professionalizing Modern Medicine" in French Hospitals', Medical History, 26, 1982, pp. 341-9.
G2. 'New Military History for Old? War and Society in Early Modern Europe', European Studies Review, 12, 1982, pp. 97-108.
G3. 'Down with the Bourgeoisie', Times Literary Supplement, 21-27 July 1989, pp. 791-2.
G4. 'In Scheherezade's Shoes', London Review of Books, 23 November 1989.
G5. 'Medicine, Madness and Mayhem from the Roi Soleil to the Golden Age of Hysteria', French History, 4, 1990 , pp. 378-88.
G6. 'The Return of the Banished Bourgeoisie', Times Literary Supplement, 29 March 1991, pp. 7-8.
G7. 'The Print Revolution', Times Literary Supplement, 13 November 1992, p. 22.
G8. Taking Physic', Times Literary Supplement, 18 December 1992, p. 71.
G9. 'Enlightened and Restrained', Times Literary Supplement, 13 August 1993, p. 10.
G10. 'The Postmaster as Hero', Times Literary Supplement, 31 March 1995, p. 23.
G11. 'The New Tribesmen', Times Literary Supplement, 5 July 1996, p. 31.
G12. 'The Baker's Lot is Not a Happy One', Times Literary Supplement, 9 August 1996, p. 14.
G13. 'Not a Belonger', London Review of Books, 21 August 1997, pp. 12-13.
G14. 'Political Styles and Sites of Power in Ancien Régime France', The Historical Journal, 41 (1998)
G15. 'Midwife to the Nation', Times Literary Supplement, 11 September 1998.
G16. 'Back to Events', Times Literary Supplement, 21 September 2001
G. 17 ‘At the Heart of the Terror’ New York Review of Books, 20 December 2007, pp. 66-9.
H. Contributions to Works of Reference
H 1. 'Charity' in P. Stearns (ed.), Dictionary of Social History, New York & London: Greenwood Press, 1994, pp. 103-4.
H 2. 'Charity before c.1850' in W. Bynum & R. Porter (eds), Companion Encyclopaedia of the History of Medicine, 2 vols., London: Routledge, 1994, pp. 1469-79.
H 3. Approximately 70 entries in J. Black & R. Porter (eds), A Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century World History, Oxford:Basil Blackwell, 1994, passim.
[Reissued as Penguin Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century History, 1996]
H 4. 'The Terror in the French Revolution', in E. Hart (ed.), An Encyclopaedia of Terrorism, London: Brown Partworks, 1997.
H 5. 'Olwen Hufton', Encyclopaedia of Historians and Historical Writing, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999.
H 6. 'Marie-Antoinette', in Encyclopaedia of Europe, Macmillan reference, forthcoming.
I. Cartography
I1. Designer, maps 54 and 55 ('The French Revolution', 'Europe of Napoleon'), in R.I. Moore (ed.), The Hamlyn Historical Atlas, Feltham, Middlesex: Hamlyn, 1982.
[Subsequently reissued under many imprints, e.g. The Newnes Historical Atlas (1983), and in translation in Dutch, Japanese, etc]
I2. Designer, French Revolutionary and Napoleonic maps, The Times Atlas of World History, 2nd and 3rd edns, pp. 202-3.
[Subsequently reissued in many editions and languages]
I3. Contributor, Atlas de la Révolution française. 7. Médecine et santé, J.P. Goubert & R. Rey, eds, Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, 1993, esp. pp. 40-2.
J. Translations
J1. Translator from French (with Alan Forrest), The French Revolution, 1787-99, by Albert Soboul, London: New Left Books, 2 vols., 1974, vi + 638pp.
[Reissued 1989: Unwin Hyman/Collins Academic]
J2. Translator from Italian, 'The Motivations of Benefactors: an Overview of Approaches to the Study of Charity' by Sandra Cavallo, in J. Barry and C. Jones (eds), Medicine and Charity before the Welfare State, London: Routledge, 1991.
J3. Translator from French, ‘Equestrian culture in France from the 16th to the 19th century’, by Daniel Roche, Past and Present, 199(1) (2008), pp. 113-145.
K. Editorial
General Editor, Exeter Studies in History, University of Exeter Press, 1980-9.
Co-Editor, Macmillan European Studies, 1992-
Co-Editor (with Charles Rosenberg), Cambridge Studies in the History of Medicine, 1996-8.
Editorial Committee, Studies in History, Royal Historical Society [published by Boydell & Brewer], 1995-2002
Studies in Cultural and Social History, Cambridge University Press 2003.
b) JOURNALS (Editorial Boards)
Social History of Medicine, 1988-91
French History, 1989-
Health, 1998-9
Medical History, 1999-
French Historical Studies, 2000-
Past and Present, 2001-
Cultural and Social History, 2003-
Gesnerus: The Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2003-
L. Media Output
Includes BBC World Service (14 July 1989, 1993), ‘Nightwaves’ Radio 3 (1997), ‘Spots in History’, BBC4 (1999), ‘The English Enlightenment’, BBC TV (2002), ‘Mistresses in History’, Channel 4-Discovovgery Europe (2002), ‘Start the Week’, BBC Radio 4 (2004). Contributor to historical sections, France, Eyewitness Travel Guide, London: Dorling Kindersley, 1994, and South-West France, London: Insight Guides, 2001. Extensive and global press coverage of my Past and Present article on teeth and smiles, 2000.

 
                     
